Assessment Vital Steps Is Home Care the Answer ? Questionnaire below. Call us for a free in-home evaluation Office: 409-554-4558 or Cell: 409-504-8197 On Call available 24/7 Get Started Do they hear the phone and answer in a safe and timely manner? Can they hear the other person on the phone and have a conversation? Are they attending social and family activities they enjoy, Religious services, restaurants, reunions? Do they talk and socialize with neighbors, friends and family regularly? Do they store food safely and discard it when it is no longer safe to eat? Are they able to do activities they enjoy on their own, such as puzzles, crafts, light gardening? Do they keep their kitchen, living room, bedroom and bathroom cleaned? Do they clean up after meals, wash dishes, put them away, wipe down surfaces? Are they able to take of any pets they have, taking them for walks, cleaning cages or litter boxes? Do they shop for their own groceries? Selecting and paying for healthy foods and transferring groceries from store to car to home? Do they stay on top of their finances including paying Mortgage and utilities? If you answered NO to any of these questions, your loved one may benefit from a companion. The more NO’s answered you may need support.